Monday, September 13, 2010

Lecture at Massey University

Today was a busy day as well, with 3 Multidisciplinary Team Meetings (MDT), my first family meeting with a very skilled doctor facilitating, and an afternoon at Massey University, meeting the faculty in the Social Work Department, and attending a lecture on Ethics in Research, by Dr. Mary Nash.  It was good to be on their campus, and I felt like a dignitary when Kath introduced me around from the University of Alaska.  During the lecture, Dr. Nash often conferred with me on facts, such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study done from 1932-1972 (without informed consent or good ethics!).  It was nice to hear reference to good old Rubin and Babbie, and to know what she was talking about, and that the UAA MSW generalist program had prepared me with some of the same historical information.  Afterwards, I let her know that I had just survived my Research Methods classes, and can now appreciate the importance of understanding it better.

The MDT's and Family meeting brought to light some of the areas that I have not had much experience to or exposure of during my work in Juneau.  Some of those from today were:  gang affiliation (Black Power, Nomads and Mongrel Mob are the main ones in town), "P" which is methanphetamine , refugee issues and last but not least ECT, that was discussed as a treatment option for a inpatient on Ward 21.  Any insight any of you have on these, or experience with them, please don't hesitate to comment or email me.  Tah.

Each day, I learn how much I don't know.  I am so thankful to be here though and soak up what I can.
Maori Word for the day: Tangata Whaiora- which is the preferred word for consumers in NZ
Cheers- Photos soon!

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